Bodhisattva Precepts

Three Refuges
I take refuge in the Buddha, in Oneness, the awakened nature of all beings. I take refuge in the
Dharma, in Diversity, the ocean of wisdom and compassion. I take refuge in the Sangha, in Harmony, the interdependence of all.

Three Pure Precepts

Not knowing, thereby giving up fixed ideas about myself and the universe, I vow to cease from
evil. Bearing witness to the joy and suffering of the world, I vow to practice good. Honoring
wholeness in myself and others, I vow to save all beings.

Ten Grave Precepts

1. Recognizing that I am not separate from all that is,I vow to take up the Way of Not Killing.
2. Being satisfied with what I have, I vow to take up the Way of Not Stealing.
3. Honoring mutuality and respecting commitment, I vow to take up the Way of Not Misusing
4. Listening and speaking from the heart, I vow to take up the Way of Not Speaking Falsely.

5. Cultivating a mind that sees clearly, I vow to take up the Way of Not Intoxicating Mind and Body.
6. Unconditionally accepting what each moment has to offer, I vow to take up the Way of Not Finding Fault with Others.
7. Meeting others on equal ground, I vow to take up the Way of Not Elevating Myself at the
Expense of Others.
8. Using all the ingredients of my life, I vow to take up the Way of Not Sparing the Dharma Assets.
9. Transforming suffering into wisdom, I vow to take up the Way of Not Harboring Ill Will.
10. Honoring my life as an instrument of the Great Way, I vow to take up the Way of Not Defaming the Three Treasures.